Shell Programming Basics With Examples
- 1. **Declaring Variables**
- 2. **Accessing Variables**
- 3. **String Operations**
- 4. **Numbers and Arithmetic Operations**
- 5. **Conditional Statements**
- 6. **Loops**
- 7. **Functions**
- 8. **Case Statements**
- 9. **Arrays**
- 10. **Reading User Input**
- 11. **Command Substitution**
- 12. **File Operations**
- 13. **Functions with Return Values**
- 14. **Using Exit Status**
- 15. **Here Documents**
- 16. **Pipes and Redirection**
- 17. **Background Jobs**
- 18. **Environment Variables**
- 19. **Traps and Signal Handling**
- 20. **Case Conversion**
- 21. **Arrays with Indexes**
- 22. **Associative Arrays (Bash 4+)**
- 23. **Date and Time**
- 24. **String Manipulation with `sed`**
- 25. **Working with JSON (jq)**
Shell programming is a way to automate tasks and manipulate the system using command-line scripts. Here's a quick overview of the basics with examples:
1. Declaring Variables
# Declaring a variable
name="John Doe"
Variables in shell scripting do not require a type declaration. There should be no spaces around the =
2. Accessing Variables
echo "Hello, $name"
Use $
before the variable name to access its value.
3. String Operations
# Concatenation
message="$greeting, $name!"
# Length of a string
# Substring
echo $message # Output: Hello, John Doe!
echo $length # Output: 16
echo $substring # Output: Hello
4. Numbers and Arithmetic Operations
# Declare and perform arithmetic
# Addition
sum=$((num1 + num2))
# Subtraction
difference=$((num2 - num1))
# Multiplication
product=$((num1 * num2))
# Division
quotient=$((num2 / num1))
echo "Sum: $sum" # Output: 15
echo "Difference: $difference" # Output: 5
echo "Product: $product" # Output: 50
echo "Quotient: $quotient" # Output: 2
5. Conditional Statements
# If statement
if [ $num1 -gt $num2 ]; then
echo "$num1 is greater than $num2"
echo "$num1 is not greater than $num2"
# Comparing strings
if [ "$name" == "John Doe" ]; then
echo "Name is John Doe"
6. Loops
# For loop
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do
echo "Number: $i"
# While loop
while [ $counter -le 5 ]; do
echo "Counter: $counter"
counter=$((counter + 1))
7. Functions
# Define a function
greet() {
echo "Hello, $1"
# Call the function
greet "Alice"
In the function above, $1
represents the first argument passed to the function.
8. Case Statements
# Case statement
case "$name" in
"John Doe")
echo "Hello, John!"
echo "Hello, Alice!"
echo "Hello, stranger!"
9. Arrays
# Declare an array
fruits=("Apple" "Banana" "Cherry")
# Accessing array elements
echo ${fruits[0]} # Output: Apple
# Loop through an array
for fruit in "${fruits[@]}"; do
echo "Fruit: $fruit"
10. Reading User Input
# Read user input
echo "Enter your name:"
read user_name
echo "Hello, $user_name!"
The read
command is used to capture user input.
11. Command Substitution
# Store the output of a command in a variable
echo "Current Date and Time: $current_date"
Command substitution allows you to execute a command and store its output in a variable.
12. File Operations
# Creating a file
echo "This is a test file" > test.txt
# Appending to a file
echo "Appending some text" >> test.txt
# Reading a file
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "Line: $line"
done < test.txt
# Check if file exists
if [ -f "test.txt" ]; then
echo "File exists"
echo "File does not exist"
File operations involve creating, appending, reading, and checking for file existence.
13. Functions with Return Values
# Function with a return value
add_numbers() {
local sum=$(( $1 + $2 ))
return $sum
add_numbers 3 7
echo "Sum: $result" # Output: Sum: 10
In shell scripting, you can return an integer value from a function using return
, and capture it using $?
14. Using Exit Status
# Check the exit status of the last command
mkdir new_dir
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Directory created successfully"
echo "Failed to create directory"
The exit status of the last command executed can be checked using $?
. A status of 0
indicates success, while non-zero indicates failure.
15. Here Documents
# Using a here document to create multi-line input
cat <<EOF > output.txt
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
Here documents are used to create multi-line strings and redirect them into a command or file.
16. Pipes and Redirection
# Using a pipe to pass the output of one command as input to another
ls -l | grep "test"
# Redirecting output to a file
ls -l > output.txt
# Redirecting error to a file
ls -l non_existent_dir 2> error.txt
# Redirecting both output and error to a file
ls -l non_existent_dir &> output_and_error.txt
Pipes (|
) are used to send the output of one command as input to another. Redirection operators (>
, 2>
, &>
) manage where the output and errors go.
17. Background Jobs
# Run a command in the background
sleep 5 &
echo "This will be printed immediately"
# Bring a background job to the foreground
fg %1
The &
symbol runs a command in the background. fg
brings a job back to the foreground.
18. Environment Variables
# Print an environment variable
echo "Home Directory: $HOME"
# Exporting a new environment variable
export MY_VAR="some value"
# Using an environment variable in a script
echo "My Var: $MY_VAR"
Environment variables are system-wide variables available to all processes. You can create and export your own environment variables as well.
19. Traps and Signal Handling
# Trap a signal (e.g., SIGINT)
trap "echo 'Ctrl-C was pressed. Exiting...'; exit" SIGINT
# Infinite loop to demonstrate trapping
while true; do
echo "Press Ctrl-C to exit..."
sleep 1
The trap
command intercepts and handles system signals (like Ctrl-C). This is useful for cleaning up before a script exits.
20. Case Conversion
# Convert to uppercase
uppercase_text=$(echo $text | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
echo "Uppercase: $uppercase_text" # Output: HELLO
# Convert to lowercase
lowercase_text=$(echo $text | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo "Lowercase: $lowercase_text" # Output: hello
The tr
command is used for translating or deleting characters from stdin.
21. Arrays with Indexes
# Declare an indexed array
my_array=(one two three four)
# Access elements by index
echo "First element: ${my_array[0]}"
# Get all elements
echo "All elements: ${my_array[@]}"
# Get the length of the array
echo "Array length: ${#my_array[@]}"
Indexed arrays store multiple values, accessed via their index.
22. Associative Arrays (Bash 4+)
# Declare an associative array
declare -A my_dict
# Add key-value pairs
my_dict=([name]="John" [age]=30 [city]="New York")
# Access elements by key
echo "Name: ${my_dict[name]}"
# Loop through keys
for key in "${!my_dict[@]}"; do
echo "$key: ${my_dict[$key]}"
Associative arrays allow you to use strings as keys, providing more flexibility.
23. Date and Time
# Get the current date and time
now=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
echo "Current date and time: $now"
# Add days to the current date
future_date=$(date -d "+5 days" +"%Y-%m-%d")
echo "Date after 5 days: $future_date"
The date
command is used to work with dates and times, allowing for formatting and date arithmetic.
24. String Manipulation with sed
# Replace text in a string
original="Hello World"
modified=$(echo $original | sed 's/World/Shell/')
echo "Modified: $modified" # Output: Hello Shell
# Delete lines containing a specific word in a file
sed '/pattern/d' input.txt > output.txt
is a powerful stream editor for filtering and transforming text.
25. Working with JSON (jq)
# Extract value from JSON
json='{"name": "John", "age": 30}'
name=$(echo $json | jq -r '.name')
echo "Name: $name" # Output: John
# Parsing and modifying JSON
age=$(echo $json | jq -r '.age')
new_age=$(($age + 1))
json=$(echo $json | jq --argjson new_age $new_age '.age = $new_age')
echo "Modified JSON: $json"
is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
These additional topics will give you more advanced tools and techniques to work with in your shell scripts, making them more powerful and flexible.
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